La Scuolina has been partially expropriated!

the Addis Ababa Municipal Administration, which owns the land on which the “Scuolina di Addis” is located, has decided in recent months to partially expropriate the space it has been allocated for years. The reason is the project of a large, multi-lane road communication route, the construction of which began some time ago.
As an association, we have made a request to the authorities to make explicit the timing, manner and possible alternatives to expropriation. Times and ways were never clearly communicated and, unfortunately, the expropriation was suddenly accelerated. The result is what can be seen in the pictures below; the partial destruction of buildings and premises where activities were taking place.

Therefore, in order to be able to continue school activities and support the families of schoolchildren, some temporary structures will be completed so as to ensure what is possible. As soon as the municipality’s plan is clear, we can decide what the next steps will be.